3 Rituals Hindu married women follow but don’t know the meaning

3 Rituals Hindu married women follow but don’t know the meaning

A typical Hindu marriage covers the three main rituals – Sindoor, Bindi and Toe Ring. Probably you are one the women who know the rituals but don’t really the significance. If so, then in this article, we give you the 3 Rituals Hindu married women follow and its importance in the Indian wedding.

1.             Applying Sindoor in the parting of the hair

The common understanding is that it is to differentiate married and unmarried women. However, little is known that the ritual of smearing Sindoor on your forehead has been carried out for approximately 5000 years. In fact, Sindoor is mentioned in the Puranas, Lalitha Sahasranamam and Soundarya Lahiri.

As per Hindu mythology, red is the colour of power and vermilion represents the female energy of Sati who is also another Avatar of Goddess Parvati. As per mythology, Sati was the ideal Indian wife as she sacrificed her life to save her husband’s dignity and respect.

As per Hindu scriptures, Goddess Parvati, who wore Sindoor (or Kumkum), grants the blessing of “Akhand Soubhagyavati”. This translates to “May you always be the one whose husband is alive and may you be safe from the curse of widowhood”. Applying Sindoor is also considered auspicious and indicates good fortune.

Ayurveda says that applying Sindoor on the forehead activates the chakras in the forehead that enhances the flow of positive energy and bestows the couple with prosperity and good health.

In olden times, Sindoor was made using mercury, turmeric, Sandalwood and Lime that carried numerous health benefits.

  • Mercury – helps in alleviating stress levels, keeps the brain alert and active, control the blood pressure levels, and activates the sexual drive.
  • Turmeric – carries anti-bacterial properties and skin rejuvenating properties.
  • Sandalwood – or fondly called as “Chandan” is famous for its cooling properties.

2.             Wearing a bindi on your forehead

In earlier times, women used to wear red Kumkum or tilak on their forehead. However, with changing times, women have switched to the Bindi. Nevertheless, donning a bindi on the forehead signifies the third eye of the sacred chakra that heightens your intuition and displays charisma.

Bindi has great significance in Indian marriage.

In olden days, a bindi also signified your caste. Every sect had different colours, for instance, the Shatriyas wore a red tilak while the brahmins wore a Chandan tikka.

In religious aspects, the colour red symbolizes ‘Shakti’, the Goddess of strength. The red Bindi was also earlier made of Kumkum, which contained Chandan, Turmeric and Lime.

When it comes to health benefits, it is believed that Bindi is put in the place where the Ajna chakra resides. Ajna chakra is the sixth chakra of the sacred chakras in the human body which represents the pineal gland. It is known to fight stress, insomnia and tension.

Women should wear a bindi in this Ajna chakra are to keep stress away from their homes and maintain harmony in the household. The red colour of the Bindi also depicts righteousness, love, prosperity and peaceful married life.

3.             Wearing toe rings or Bichhiya

The toe rings or Bichhiya you wear carries a scientific reason behind them. In fact, many Tamil Brahmin wedding or Telugu wedding still follow the ritual of wearing a toe ring during the marriage ceremony. The references to toe rings are found in the Holy Ramayana. When Ravana kidnapped Sita, she threw her toe rings on the way to Lanka so that Rama could find her.

The second toe, on which you usually wear a toe ring, has a nerve that connects the uterus and passes to the heart. Thus, wearing a toe ring strengthens the uterus and regulates the blood flow to the female reproductive organs. It also helps regularize the monthly menstrual cycle.

Toe ring has a great importance in women's health.

Though women nowadays wear gold toe rings, silver is considered a better option as it is a good conductor of energy. Science says that it absorbs polar energies from the earth and passes it to the body.

Ayurveda says that you should wear some metal on the body and if you wear a silver toe ring, it would help all the positive energy from the earth and transfer it to your body.

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